
Campus Facts at a Glance

Enrollment: For additional details, click to view our UCR Enrollment dashboard.

Counts represent distinct students who are enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the fall third-week census.

Student Demographics: For additional details, click to view our Enrollment Demographics dashboard.

Percentages represent the proportion of distinct students who are enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the fall third-week census. Aggregated ethnicity categories follow federal IPEDS definitions for ethnicity, using students' self-reported identifications on the admission application. Underrepresented minority (URM) students include those who identify as Native American, Black/African American, Chicano/Latino, or Pacific Islander. Figures for low income and first generation status are based, respectively, on students' family income and parental education levels, as self-reported at application time. Students are defined as Pell recipients when they receive the need-based federal Pell grant for their entering term; Pell recipient status reported for the most recent year is provisional. Low income, first generation, and Pell measures include undergraduate students only. Medical residents are not included.

Undergraduate Students by Geographic Origin: For additional details, click to view our Enrollment Demographics dashboard.

Percentages represent the proportion of distinct undergraduate students who are enrolled in credit-bearing classes as of the fall third-week census. Geographic origin is based on students' address of permanent residence at application time.

Graduation Rates: For additional details on graduation rates and other student outcome metrics, click to explore our Student Outcomes dashboards.

Percentages represent the share of the cohort starting in the indicated fall term that graduated within the specified time. Graduation rates are cumulative and are measured through the final summer of the corresponding year.

Degrees Awarded: For additional details, click to view our Degrees Awarded dashboard.

Counts represent degrees earned between summer and spring of the years indicated (i.e., leading summer). For students earning multiple degrees within a single measurement period (e.g., double majors), each degree awarded is included in the count.

Faculty and Staff: For additional details, click to view our Faculty and Staff dashboards.

Counts represent unduplicated headcounts for UCR employees as of the October payroll. Employees holding multiple positions are counted under what IR considers their primary job title. Counts exclude student employees. Medical residents are counted as non-faculty academic employees.

About Us

  • Institutional Research supports UC Riverside with modeling, analysis, and reports to inform campus decision-making. We are the source of many official UCR statistics related to students, faculty, and staff. Please visit our Campus Statistics page for interactive dashboards and data downloads, or contact us at if you have a request or question not covered by our web tools.

New Features

  • The Academic Data Dashboards are now available. Access is available to authorized users only. For inquires, contact
  • If you're looking for internal documents such as the IR deans' dashboards, you can find them in our Internal Report Sharing folder. 
  • Looking for specific information on enrollments, degrees awarded, or graduation rates at UCR? Explore the data using SmartQuery, an interactive data tool that produces customized tables and plots based on your search terms.