Download this data here (last updated on December 05, 2024)
Details about the data:
Figures are for degrees earned between summer and spring of the years indicated (i.e., leading summer).
The Degree Awarded pages counts the total number of awards earned by students which means the graduates who earned more than one degree are counted multiple times. The Degree Recipient page is unduplicated headcount of graduates under each filter selected.
The optional filters on this page are based on the student's final record at the time of graduation, except for financial aid and first generation status, which are as of the student's first term.
Underrepresented minority (URM) students include those who identify as American Indian/Alaskan Native, Black/African American, Chicano/Latino, or Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander.
STEM Majors include those in the Bourns College of Engineering (BCOE) and the College of Natural and Agricultural Sciences (CNAS).
For more information about these definitions, consult the IR Data Dictionary.
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